Saturday, February 20, 2010


gara-gara ngeliat suatu video masalah "mistakes" yang dibuat sama artis-artis kpop lain, gw penasaran nih "duh, gw mau liat yg suju" abis kayanya di mata gw, si suju kalo perform oke punya semua laaah..


gambarnya emang ngeblur, jadi dijelasin per part :

the 1st part is a collection where one of the member's shoe fell off on the stage.. the arrows point to which member and when they tried to find their shoe and put their shoe back on. other members saw the shoe were going o_o;; LOLS

the 2nd part is about slipery.. the stage for mircle must be very slipery.. like 4-5 people kept tripping lol

The 3rd part is forgetting the dance steps.. they messed up alot in FIRST SNOW.. Kangin was so slow lol

the 4th part is 'weird/indiscrable'

The 1st stage of 4th part.. is like lipsync of the guy suppose to lipsync, but he was doing his dance instead

who's the orange shirt guy in the 2nd stage of the 4thpart 5:22? he kept getting into people's way lol

and then i think alot of mistake has to do with accidentally dropping their mic, picking somethng up.

the last part: sungmin is 'oh a camera' he looks directly to the camera lol

sejujurnya.. gw ketawa gila2an pas yang pertama, sepatu geng, mungkin, lepas...

dan ngeliat video2 ini malah bikin gw kangen 13 orang plus teman-teman nyuju gw.. UHUHU

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